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Legal notice

General Information:
In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, services of the information society and electronic commerce, data on the website ESCACIMAT are:

Manager: Carlos Godesard Forga
Address: Marià Aguilo, 67-08005 Barcelona
Contact: tienda@escacimat.com. 933 096 565/615 941 930
CIF: B-66694621
Limitation of Liability:
The information supplied by ESCACIMAT in this website is for information and, therefore, ESCACIMAT can not assume any responsibility for the incorrect, inappropriate or illegal use of its content and its right to update them whenever you want, remove it , limit or prevent their access temporarily or permanently.
With the limits established by law, ESCACIMAT not assume any liability for the lack of veracity, integrity, updating and accuracy of the data and information contained in their websites.
These pages may contain links to third party ESCACIMAT you can not control and therefore can not assume ESCACIMAT or assume any responsibility for the content that may appear on pages of third parties or for the use that may be made.
ESCACIMAT not liable for any computer errors that may occur through the use of computers infected with viruses or for the consequences of malfunctioning of the browser used by the user or by not using a version properly updated.
Intellectual Property:
Any brand and trademarks mentioned on this website is the property of its rightful owner. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software, downloads, and other content included in this website are property of ESCACIMAT, or, in any case, has transferred the rights to use and public disclosure.
Any transmission, distribution, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication of the content must have the explicit consent of ESCACIMAT.