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Rechapados Ferrer

Rechapados Ferrer chess boards are considered one of the best in the world. They are manufactured in Spain by this company that has been manufacturing custom-made veneers for more than 50 years.

Its boards are considered of premium quality for their pristine handcrafted finishes. In addition, the secret formula of 4 layers of varnish makes its surface completely smooth, which allows a very smooth movement of the pieces with little friction.

Their boards are used in most high-level FIDE tournaments, as well as in many championships of all kinds. They are also the basis of the advanced electronic boards distributed by DGT.

Rechapados Ferrer boards are known throughout the world, as they are exported throughout Europe, America, Asia and Australia.

We have a catalog of many more Rechapados Ferrer boards, Here you can consult the complete list.

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