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Práctica de Ajedrez magistral. Botvinnik-Tal. Editorial Chessy
  • Práctica de Ajedrez magistral. Botvinnik-Tal. Editorial Chessy

Práctica de ajedrez magistral

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Masterful Chess Practice (1960 World Championship Match) is one of the best-valued chess literary works by great fans. Each game in the Botvnnik-Tal match is presented with a short introduction by the author of the book and one of its protagonists, Mikhail Tal, and scrutinized to unsuspected limits.

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Masterful Chess Practice (1960 World Championship Match) is one of the best-valued chess literary works by great fans.

Each game in the Botvnnik-Tal match is presented with a short introduction by the author of the book and one of its protagonists, Mikhail Tal, and scrutinized to unsuspected limits.

As Mikhail Tal indicates in his presentation, his purpose in publishing a book of these characteristics was not to compete with other similar ones, but precisely to make known the subjective sensations, ideas, and emotions that assailed him during an encounter as tense as the present .

Sixty years later, Tal's comments look valid and extraordinarily objective, and reflect an excellent psychological analysis of what happens around a World Championship match.

In sum, the reissue of this unique work, Masterful Chess Practice, in algebraic and with some improvements, was completely necessary. Tal's comment was a breath of fresh air. You could say that it was revolutionary.

One of the singularities of this wonderful historical document is the marked importance that Tal gives to the execution times of each of the plays of each of the 21 games, which is reflected in the work. As a special detail, for this edition we have added a special schedule with the times used by the two players in each game.


Data sheet

Tal, Mijail
16 x 23,5 cm.
Year of publication