After the great success of "The Little Fritz - Learn and train chess," finally the second part of the story comes: "Chess in the Black Castle".
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After the great success of "The Little Fritz - Learn and train chess," finally the second part of the story comes: "Chess in the Black Castle". No matter whether it is opening or a pawn ending, a stuck or escape a check, to attack or defend: in all cases provide beginners a solid chess knowledge, play by play, so informative, easy to understand and entertaining. With the exercises you can expand the newly learned and try to get one of the seats of honor in the lists of the best in the variety of chess games of all types are presented. And of course there are many sharp and funny comments of the popular Leo Ready sewer rat.
The continuation of the award winning chess program for children "Little Fritz"
In this second part of the story: training strategy starts and ends.
In collaboration with renowned chess monitors for children and youth
; Recommended by the Spanish Chess Federation
Modules based game "Fritz", the world famous program ChessBase
The history
It is the second part of the adventure of Fritz and Bianca. The two children look forward to see his friend and coach Leo Ready. But the sewer rat is gone and the trail leads to the castle of King Black.
Fritz and Bianca are watching the television program about the best chess player in the country waiting for him to be his old coach, the sewer rat Leo Ready, but only appears for a very short time showing a little sign that said to have been kidnapped.
The Black king on a chess TV interview about his title of best chess player in the country.
Fritz and Bianca decide to approach the Black Castle to look for his friend Leo Done. Travel time advantage by carriage to review the things they learned in the first part of the adventure.
Lucky that Bianca has taken notes of everything in your diary!
On your way visit Peonilandia Peasant Olympics, where they must overcome some previous years, which have subconscious relationship with chess and also are fun.
On their journey they pass through Peonilandia where Campesina is celebrating the Olympics.
Fancy a game of tennis cakes with the village baker?
With the help of laborers Peonilandia manage to cross the swamp and wet feet, to reach the castle, Fritz and Bianca confirm his suspicion: the Black King has locked in his dungeon Leo Ready to take its place as the best player in the country . The tentative release fails and Fritz and Bianca are also imprisoned. Now they must try to escape the castle, but that is only possible when the user has improved his knowledge of chess with his friends Fritz and Bianca.
The dream of all chess: a recipe for opening
; Tralari-tralara! Punchinello and his famous contest in puppetry
Go chess machines more wonderful! Ready Leo almost went mad with joy
Hi, I'm bobomático "- the perfect gadget to learn how silly mates and pastor work
Friend, ghost or invisible pieces? Here you can get many points and chilling on the fly, learn to play blind.
There are several simple exercises that can easily learn basic knowledge of chess (and also some deeper knowledge!). The goal is to learn to think, acquiring basic knowledge about opening strategy, tactical reasons as the cradle or dunk, how you can win a pawn endgame, learn attack techniques, notation and much more.
The map with all gaming stations for better orientation
The elosófico lift. The detector measures if the players have peed enough to climb
The elosóficas flies are a clear indicator of a player peed. Magin has much more in the coconut, the more Elos fly around his head.
At the end of a great chess game with many innovative features confrontation occurs. Ready Leo plays his role as coach; hints, it makes warnings and, of course, is full of praise when the player finds an especially good move.
Behind all the fun that brings this work, he is a scrupulous and consistent approach, especially as regards the teaching of chess, where no detail falls on deaf ears, as banal as it may seem. After the second part of Little Fritz, the student will play short and noticeably better. Chess is no unique set of people with "very talented" but it is a perfectly affordable for all fun, once you acquire and train some basic rudiments.
The chess content:
The opening:
The principles
Overview of major systems
Example: King's Gambit
Opening Traps: Fool's Mate and Mate Pastor
Tactical reasons:
Give check
Attacking and defending
Check to the pool and double check
Forks and strung
Attraction maneuvers
End technique:
Pawn endings: rule of the square and key boxes
Formal technique:
Notations and return
Visualization exercises and memory
This position sense "becomes a position on the board, you look for a while and then leave removing parts and the user must remember what they were and where they were.
A must for those who have wanted to keep enjoying chess!
Data sheet